rural areas, investment activity, investment appeal, socio-economic development, inclusive growth, inclusive economyAbstract
The priority direction of solving complex socio-economic problems in the countryside (demographic crisis, high unemployment rate, migratory outflow of population, imperfect social infrastructure, low motivation of labor, etc.) is to increase investment appeal and draw significant investment resources on the basis of inclusion. According to this, the topic is timely accurate and relevant. The purpose of the article is to analyze the current state and trends of investment activity in rural areas, to develop and substantiate strategic directions of growth of investment appeal of rural economy on the basis of inclusion. The methodological basis of the study comprises dialectical and systematic research approaches of the fundamental provisions of economic science in relation to the socio-economic development of rural areas. With the help of the economic-statistical method (such methods as - statistical observation, comparison, tabular, graphical) the present state of investment activity in rural areas is investigated. Strategic guidelines for sustainable rural development in the context of inclusiveness are substantiated according to the analysis and synthesis methods. Abstract-logical method, in particular methods of induction and deduction, analogy and comparison, operationalization of concepts used to systematize research results, theoretical generalization and formulation of conclusions and proposals. The article reveals peculiarities, significance and functions of investment activity in rural areas. An estimation of the current state and trends of investment activity development under the conditions of the rural economic space is done. Overview of scientific and theoretical bases for the interpretation of the concept of "inclusive development" was conducted. The strategic directions of sustainable development of our state in the context of inclusion are outlined on the basis of the developed draft Strategy for Sustainable Development of Ukraine for the period up to 2030. The priority directions of socio-ecological and economic development of the village and ways of increasing the investment appeal of rural areas of Ukraine under the inclusion conditions are determinedReferences
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