plant height, leaf-area duration, chickpea, herbicide, plant growth regulator (PGR), microbial drug (MD)Abstract
Nowadays pea and soybeans prevail in agrocoenosis among legume in the Right-bank Forest-steppe. In contrast to these crops, the chickpea is more drought-resistant at the same time, it does not lodge, and the beans do not crack when ripe. In this regard, the problem of developing the elements of chickpea cultivation technology becomes important, in particular, the selection of effective measures to protect crops from weeds using herbicides. It is possible to reduce and overcome herbicide stress when using biological preparation of natural origin – microbial drug and plant growth regulators. The experimental part of research was held during 2015–2017 in the field training and production department and research laboratory of the department of microbiology, biochemistry and plant physiology of Uman National University of Horticulture. Accounting and study of plants height and leaf-area duration in experiments were done in accordance with methodologies, described by Z. M. Hrytsayenko and co-authors. Statistical analysis of the results of the studies was carried out using the methods of dispersion analysis, described by B. A. Dospekhov. As a result of the research it was found: the height and area of the leaves of chickpea plants varied both by years and depending on the use of different norms of the herbicide Panda, entrenched separately and against the background of seeds processing PGR Stympo and MD Ryzobophyt. On the average over the years of observation over the independent action of MD Ryzobophyt (1,0 l/t) the plant height of chickpea with regard to control I grew into 2%, leaf-area duration with regard to control I grew into 12 %. At individual action PGR Stympo (0,025 l/t) with regard to control I grew into 16 %. In variants of cooperative usage of MD Ryzobophyt and PGR Stympo increasing of a chickpea height with regard to controls I contained 8 %, the index of leaf-area duration increased with regard to controls I into 20%. At individual usage of the herbicide Panda in limits 3,0 and 4,0 l/g the plant height grew into 1 and 8 %, the leaf-area duration of chickpea increased into 9 and 32% with regard to control I, at limits 5, and 6, l/g – in 4 and 2% the leaf-area duration of chickpea grew into 19 and 14% with regard to control I. While processing by a mixture of MD Ryzobophyt (1,0 l/t) and PGR Stympo (0,025 l/t) and entering the herbicide Panda in limits 3,0–4,0 l/g before the chickpea sowing the height of a crop surpassed the control I on 12 and 19 % , the leaf-area duration of chickpea increased into 39–83 % with regard to the control I, and at limits of entering 5,0 and 6,0 l/g – into 13 and 11 %. The duration increased into 69 – 33 % to control I. The highest indexes of plants height and leaf-area duration were recorded in the Panda herbicide application in limits of introduction 4,0 l/g against the processing of seeds before the sowing PGR Stympo (0,025 l/t) and MD Ryzobophyt (1,0 l/t) in particular, in this embodiment, the height of the plants increased by 19%, the leaf area - by 83%References
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