Podilian Bulletin: Agriculture, Engineering, Economics 2023-02-16T14:14:55+02:00 Kateryna Horash Open Journal Systems <div ><p style="text-align: center"><strong>Agricultural Sciences, Technical Sciences, Economic Sciences</strong></p> THE MASS ACCUMULATION OF POTATO POTATOES DEPENDS ON EXTRA-ROOT NUTRITION OF PLANTS WITH MICROFERTILIZERS IN THE CONDITIONS OF THE WESTERN FOREST-STEPPE OF UKRAINE 2023-02-14T17:16:11+02:00 R. O. Mialkovsky P. V. Bezvikonny V. V. Mudrakov <p>Goal. To determine the effect of foliar fertilizing with microfertilizers on the mass accumulation of potato tubers in the conditions of the Western Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. Methods. Analysis, synthesis, generalization, laboratory and field experiment. The results. It is established that the highest indices were obtained from the use of micronutrient Reakom – a variety of Dar and Crystaloneone special – a variety of Alladin. Thus, in the Aladin variety from the introduction of microfiber Crystaloneone special with a norm of 2,50 kg/ha, the average weight of tubers in the bushes in the budding phase was obtained – 318 g, in the phase of drying of the peduncle – 624 g, the Dar variety – the most effective rate of application among the studied variants the established norm of Reakom – 4,50 kg/ha, while the average weight of tubers in the budding phase was 309 g, the beginning of the drying of the peduncle – 683 g, respectively. The most effective rate for introducing potato plants is the following: Reakom – 4,50 kg/ha, Crystalonelone special – 2,50 kg/ha, and Rozasol – 3,00 kg/ha in the budding phase and the beginning of the disappearance of the peduncle. Conclusions. Indigenous fertilization with microfertilizers (Reakom, Crystalone special and Rozasol), influenced growth processes. At the same time, they were more intense compared with the control (without plant treatment) and maintained until the drying of the peduncle. All this contributed to the growth of the tubers weight and increased the yield and quality of products</p> 2023-02-14T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2023 CHARACTERISTICS OF THE GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE CHICKPEA VARIETIES DEPENDING ON THE APPLICATION OF MACRO AND MICRO FERTILIZERS 2023-02-14T17:35:28+02:00 L. V. Poberezhna O. M. Bakhmat <p>The world area of chickpeas is about 12,5 million hectares, 8 million hectares of which are in India. In Ukraine, chickpea crops are located in the steppe and partially in the forest-steppe zone. Chickpeas are undemanding to the soil. It grows well on sandy light loams, as well as on sandy soils, but black soils and gray forest soils are best for it. Therefore, chickpea deserves to be studied in the conditions of the western Forest Steppe. The aim of the work is the scientific justification and development of agrotechnical methods and technological measures of varietal technology of growing chickpeas under the conditions of application of macro and micro fertilizers in the conditions of the western Forest Steppe. Research methods. In the experiments, the following observations, studies, and analyzes were conducted: phenological observations were carried out during certain periods and phenological phases of growth and development of chickpea plants; counting the density of plants of different varieties of chickpeas was processed twice during the growing season on special micro-sites; the height of the plants and the height of attachment of the lower bean were analyzed according to the phases of chickpea growth and development using a measuring ruler. The main results of the study. The results of our research and observations showed that the duration of both individual interphase periods and the entire growing season of common chickpea varieties was determined by the agrometeorological factors of the region, and primarily by the conditions of moisture and the temperature regime of the air and soil. The scientific novelty of the research results. As research has shown, chickpea plants at the initial stages of organogenesis grow rather slowly, and in the interphase period of branching-budification, growth and development are significantly enhanced, as a result of which a significant vegetative mass is formed and internodes are elongated. Conclusions. The use of pre-sowing application of macro fertilizers (N30P20K30) increased the density of sowing by only 6,9%, while the use of Boron (B) and Molybdenum (Mo) – by 8,1–8,5% compared to the control without treatment. When using mineral fertilizers N30 and N30P20K30 before sowing and foliar fertilization with Boron (B) and Molybdenum (Mo) in the phase of intensive growth (phase of budding), the height of plants increased by 6,8–7,2–8,5 cm, or reached, according to the varieties 66,4–66,4–67,8 cm for the seed ripening period.</p> 2023-02-14T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2023 CHEMICAL PREPARATIONS IN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION 2023-02-14T17:48:46+02:00 T. M. Krachan U. I. Nedilska <p>Most of the processes in the environment are chemical. The uniqueness of chemistry is that it not only studies natural substances, but also creates new objects of study. The existence of modern society is impossible without all the wide range of substances that can only be obtained through chemical technology. The introduction of methods of chemical technology and products of the chemical industry in the national economy in order to intensify its development and increase efficiency was called chemicalization. The paper summarizes and analyzes information on the use of mineral and organic fertilizers and plant protection products in agriculture of Ukraine. The concept of chemicalization of agricultural production in connection with the increasing influence of new synthetic substances on the processes in the agricultural sector is considered. The consequences of excessive and unregulated impact of these substances on living organisms are analyzed and methods of preventing their accumulation in the environment are proposed. Introduction. The article summarizes and analyzes information on the volume of application of mineral and organic fertilizers and plant protection products in the agriculture of Ukraine in the period from 2018 to 2020. Purpose. The main goal of article is сonsider the concept of chemicalization of agricultural production in connection with the increasing influence of new synthetic substances on processes in the agricultural sector. Methods. Сomparative analysis, systematization and generalization for formulating conclusions. Results. There is no the clear tendency to use a certain type of fertilizers for feeding plants in Ukraine today. It is observed а decrease in the use of organic fertilizers, instead, the amount of mineral substances used increases significantly. Conclusion. The use of pesticides and fertilizers leads to a number of environmental consequences, which requires their exact dosage. In this regard, special measures should be taken to prevent their accumulation in soils, plants and products in the form of substances harmful to humans and animals.</p> 2023-02-14T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2023 SOYBEAN PRODUCTIVITY DEPENDING ON THE APPLICATION OF ORGANIC FERTILIZERS, SEED INOCULATION, AND PLANT GROWTH REGULATORS 2023-02-16T09:41:56+02:00 M. V. Kryzhanivskyi O. M. Bakhmat <p>The influence of a complex of technological factors on the formation of the yield and quality of seeds of different-ripened soybean varieties was studied. The ratio of measures to accelerate the growth and development of plants, increase the leaf surface area, and enlarge the yield and quality of seeds of the studied varieties was revealed. As established by research in the cultivation of heterogeneous soybean varieties in the conditions of the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe, a necessary element of technology is the bacterization of seeds with highly effective bacteria, as well as spraying crops with a biological product Hetomik against the background of green manure. The results of the research show that the application of green manure, inoculation of seeds with strain 614A, and spraying of crops with Hetomik of Angelica soybeans contribute to high germination energy – 95% and seed germination – 95%, while in the control this indicator was – germination energy – 85%, germination 80 %. The studies have established that the quality indicators of soybean seeds of the Legend variety largely depended on the inoculation. The maximum content of crude protein at the level of 34.2-34.9% was observed in soybean seeds in the variant where pre-sowing inoculation was carried out with strains 634b and 614A. In the control variant (without treatments and sideration), the protein content in soybeans averaged 33.3%. Treated seeds retain the characteristics and properties characteristic of the variety. The best guarantee of the effectiveness of soybeans is seeds of high quality. The quality of seeds, their economic and biological quality is determined by many factors and is confirmed by production needs. The authors established that seed inoculation with strain 634b increased the protein content in seeds compared to the control in the Legend variety by 1.6%. The analysis of the oiliness of the seeds proved that the highest oil content (21.4%) was in the variant with seed treatment with strains 634b and 614A against the background of green manure application.</p> 2023-02-16T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2023 FORMING THE PRODUCTIVITY OF THE COMMON BEANS DEPENDING ON VARIETIES, INOCULATION, AND FERTILIZER 2023-02-16T10:10:02+02:00 N. V. Tsybryk-Sivak M. I. Bakhmat <p>Introduction. The growth and development of bean plants occur in direct proportion to environmental conditions, the main components of which are air and soil temperature, light, humidity, and mineral nutrition. The productivity of plants is determined by the presence of these factors, and the more they correspond to the biological characteristics of the crop, the more fully the potential of bean varieties is realized. Until recently, in our conditions, due to the lack of scientific research, the technology of growing common beans under the given soil and climatic conditions, their influence on the productivity and quality indicators of bean grain, the unexplained economic and energy efficiency of the technology for growing common beans in this region is not fully studied. In this regard, increasing the grain productivity of bean varieties of domestic breeding by establishing the characteristics of growth and development and optimizing the elements of growing technology (fertilizers, inoculation) depending on varietal characteristics and weather conditions of the growing season is an urgent task. Purpose. The study aimed to determine the duration of the growing season and the yield of beans for varieties Mavka, Eureka, Lastivka, depending on the level of fertilizing and seed inoculation. Methods. In the study of common bean seeds, before sowing, they were treated with different strains of microorganisms. Depending on this, the interphase periods of plant growth and development changed somewhat. The duration of the period of sowing full ripeness in bean plants of the Lastivka variety inoculated with different strains of Rhizobium phaseoli differed by 1–3 days on average over the study period of 2020–2022. Results. A significant influence on the growth and development of bean plants under our conditions was exerted by factors determined for the study, varietal characteristics of beans, as well as hydrothermal conditions of the growing years of research. The longest period of vegetation of bean varieties was noted in 2021, which is closest in terms of indicators to typical weather and climatic conditions and favorable for the growth and development of bean plants. Sufficient rainfall in May, June, and July (respectively 92 mm, 109,2 mm, and 85 mm) caused an extension of the flowering phase, a more intensive growth of the vegetative mass, and an increase in the height of plant growth. In the dry year of 2022 over the years of research, the vegetation of the studied varieties was the shortest and, depending on the factors put into study, was 73–81 days for the Lastivka variety, 83–95 days, and 85–96 days for the Mavka and Eureka varieties, respectively. Interphase periods in the ontogeny of bean plants lasted 4–12 days less. The studied bean varieties belong to the mid-ripening group, however, the difference in the onset of growth phases, depending on the factors studied, was up to 13 days. Variety Lastivka ripened earlier than others, and its vegetation period was 8–13 days shorter. Depending on the fertilizer and seed inoculation with Rhizobofit, the growing season of mid-ripening bean varieties was different for Lastivka, Mavka, and Eureka varieties from 79 to 102 days. Originality. When grown with the use of seed inoculation and fertilization at the rate of N60P40K20, including the vegetation of beans, it was extended by 3-5 days. When applying fertilizers at the rate of N90P60K30 and N120P80K40, the growing season was almost the same both with and without inoculation with Rhizobofit. With the application of N120P80K40 fertilizers and without seed inoculation with Rhizobofit, the growing season of bean varieties was extended by 13–15 days. The duration of individual periods of ontogenesis, as well as the growing season as a whole, was directly dependent on the hydrothermal conditions of the year, variety, and norms of mineral fertilizers. Conclusion. Our studies have shown that both varietal characteristics and mineral fertilizers and seed inoculation had a significant impact on the growth and development of mid-ripening varieties of common beans under our conditions. The increase in the rate of application of mineral fertilizers caused the lengthening of the growing season of the studied varieties to 8–13 days compared to the control, as a result of which the onset of the phenological phases was also delayed in time. With the pre-sowing treatment of seeds with Rhizobofit, the duration of vegetation and the onset of the phenophase also lengthened from 2 to 5 days compared with the variants without inoculation. Variety Lastivka ripened earlier than others by 8–10 days.</p> 2023-02-16T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2023 THE INFLUENCE OF DIFFERENT RENNET ENZYMES ON THE MAIN INDICATORS OF MOZZARELLA FOR SOFT CHEESE TECHNOLOGIES 2023-02-16T10:17:20+02:00 V. V Bila Н. V. Merzlova <p>The article presents the results of the study of the effect of various rennet enzymes on the main indicators of mozzarella using soft cheese technologies. Thus, the processing of milk in the process of cheese production corresponds to natural physiological processes. III groups of milk samples (n=5) were formed to conduct the experiment. In the control group of samples, rennet enzyme of microbial origin was used for curdling milk. In the 1st experimental group of samples, an enzyme preparation from the rennet of dairy calves, extracted according to the method of Yu. Ya. Svyridenko, was used. In the II experimental group, an enzyme preparation was used, which was extracted from the rennet of dairy calves according to the method of S.V. Merzlova. The duration of protein coagulation in the production of Mozzarella cheese using a microbial enzyme preparation is 23 min., when using enzymes of the 1st research group – 27 min. and when using rennet enzymes of the II research group – 33 min. In view of the output of ready-made Mozzarella cheese with a commercial purpose to obtain more profit, it is advisable to use an enzyme of microbial origin. According to sensory analysis, samples using calf rennet enzyme extracted according to the method of S.V. Merzlov’s 1st experimental group of samples was characterized by pronounced cheesy, sour-milk, without extraneous tastes and smells, taste and smell characteristic of soft fresh cheese; the surface is clean without mechanical damage, elastic; the consistency of the smear is gentle, moderately dense; the color is white, uniform over the entire mass; dough with the presence of cells. Samples of the II experimental group were characterized by the worst organoleptic indicators.</p> 2023-02-16T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2023 INFLUENCE OF FEEDING WITH ZOOPHYTOPLANKTON SUPPLEMENT ON THE METABOLISM AND REPRODUCTIVE INDICATORS OF LACAUNE SHEEP 2023-02-16T11:23:48+02:00 T. M. Prylipko Ye. I. Dulkai <p>Problem. The milk yield of sheep depends on many factors. The most influential of them are: fertility, feeding and maintenance, age of the animal, month of lactation, number of lambs fed by the mother. Solving this issue is possible only if there is a high culture of animal breeding and maintenance. The main link of keeping animals is their complete feeding. Unfortunately, nowadays the general level of feeding is low, and its completeness cannot withstand any criticism. The flora and fauna of reservoirs can be an important reserve for replenishing the need for high-protein feed, feed protein and biologically active substances these days. Purpose – to study the reproductive properties of ewes and the digestibility of feed after the introduction into the diet of compound feed containing in its composition a protein-mineral supplement from the aquaculture of the Dniester river. Research methods. The study is based on conducting a scientific and economic experiment on ewes of the milk-meat Lacaune breed one month before mating, which allows us to state that when feeding a protein-mineral supplement from aquaculture in the diets of ewes of the experimental groups, the fertility of ewes at the first insemination improved. The method of the principle of analogy was used in the study, which made it possible to divide the animals into 4 groups – a control group and three experimental groups of 12 heads each. The main results of the research. The results of the research indicate that the live weight of the ewes changed in different periods of the experiment. It was established that during the period of preparation for insemination, the live weight of the ewes of the control group increased by 3,11 kg, and that of the first and second experimental groups by 3,67 kg and 3,94 kg, respectively, which is 18% more than the control group of animals (Р&lt;0,05) and 26,6% (Р&lt;0,01). It was noted that the live weight of ewes of the control group decreased by 9,0 kg, or 11,79%, during the lactation period, of the first experimental group – by 7,27 kg, or 8,9%; the second trial – by 5,5 kg, or 7,57% and the third trial – by 8,24 kg, or 11,5%. Scientific novelty of the research results. The possibility and expediency of introducing a 3–12% protein-mineral supplement from the aquaculture of the Dniester River instead of barley into the compound feed of Lacaune ewes was established. Conclusions: According to a comprehensive assessment, the highest efficiency was noted at doses of PMDA in the compound feed of queens within 7% by weight of the compound feed.</p> 2023-02-16T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2023 INCREASING THE PERFORMANCE OF SOYBEAN GRAIN IN THE CONDITIONS OF PODILLIA 2023-02-16T11:54:55+02:00 M. V. Ivasyk M. I. Bakhmat <p>Introduction. On the territory of the Steppe and Forest-Steppe of Ukraine, in particular, the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe, one of the most profitable leguminous crops is soybean, which is in great demand on the domestic and world markets. Therefore, the optimization of soybean cultivation technology, taking into account the biological requirements of the variety adapted to the conditions of the zone, is an urgent scientific problem, the solution of which will make it possible to increase the productivity of the crop and the efficiency of its cultivation. The purpose of the work was to optimize the main elements of the technology of growing soybean varieties of the new generation, namely: seed sowing rates, the use of mineral and bacterial fertilizers, and plant growth regulators, and to develop complex technological measures of cultivation. Research methods. Field method - determination of seed yield and biometric measurements, laboratory method - determination of crop structure, moisture content and nutrients in the soil, seed quality, statistical method - to assess the reliability of the obtained data. Main research results. It was found that the most favorable conditions for their growth and development, the formation of a well-developed above-ground mass and photosynthetic activity of plants are created by seed inoculation, application of fertilizers in a dose of N60P40, a seeding rate of 600 thousand/ha and treatment of crops with the plant growth regulator Megafol. It was established that soybean varieties with a yield of 3.0-3.5 t/ha take 181-182 kg/ha of nitrogen, 52-59 kg/ha of phosphorus and 102-114 kg/ha of potassium. The scientific novelty of research results. Based on the results of the research, a modern model of the cultivation technology of new varieties of Aratta and Sofia soybeans was developed, which meets their biological requirements and makes it possible to maximize the yield potential of these varieties, improve the quality of seeds, and reduce the cost of material resources. New options for the highly efficient use of natural resources by soybeans – water, solar energy, and soil nutrients – have been identified. Conclusions. A complex of technological measures for the cultivation of Aratta and Sofia soybean varieties has been developed, which in the conditions of the Podillia zone ensures a yield of 3.0-3.5 t/ha while minimizing the use of resources. Soybean crops of the Aratta and Sofia varieties with a high productivity potential are formed by the number of plants with seedlings of 520-550 thousand/ha and branching of 1.5-2.0, which is achieved with the norms of sowing 600 thousand seeds per 1 ha and field germination of seeds of 87- 92%.</p> 2023-02-16T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2023 THE IMPLEMENTATION OF WORLD EXPERIENCE IN THE POLICY OF RURAL AREAS’ RESTORATION, DEVELOPMENT IN UKRAINE AND ENTERPRISES IN THE COUNTRYSIDE 2023-02-16T12:20:33+02:00 O. A. Bialkovska D. H. Fedus O. S. Boiko <p>The restoration and development of rural areas are one of the main directions of the Ukrainian political system, through the formation of the Ukrainian mentality and culture that originate and are based in the Ukrainian village. Due to the crisis and the emergence of socio-economic voids in Ukrainian villages, there was an urgent need to streamline the state direction and implement the experience of advanced countries in carrying out reforms in rural areas. Based on the experience of Poland and the administrative and territorial reform that was carried out in Poland until 2004 and showed further positive results for the development of rural areas, several concepts and directions have been formed, using the regulatory framework that is already in action in Europe and today are the basis of the rural development policy in Ukraine.</p> 2023-02-16T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2023 PRODUCTION OF BIOMETHANE FROM AGROBIOMAS IN UKRAINE: PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS 2023-02-16T12:33:12+02:00 I. V. Honcharuk V. Yu. Vovk <p>The article explores the main problems and prospects for the production of biomethane from agrobiomass in Ukraine. The geographical structure and volumes of natural gas imports to Ukraine during 2003–2021 are analyzed. It is indicated that in some EU countries that have not abandoned the import of russian energy carriers, a critical situation has developed in the energy sector. The prices for natural gas for the population in the EU countries are analyzed and countries with a high level of energy prices are identified. To refuse to purchase russian energy carriers, it was proposed to produce biomethane. The potential of biomethane production in Ukraine as a whole and in terms of regions and types of raw materials is characterized. Today, the Hals Agro biomethane plant in the Chernihiv region is preparing to export biomethane abroad, and also reorient until 2023 to the production of biomethane Yuzefo-Nikolaev biogas company in the Vinnitsa region. The prerequisites for the production of biomethane in Ukraine, both on the demand side and on the supply side, as well as the main constraining factors for the development of this industry in the country, are determined.</p> 2023-02-16T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2023 MARKETING TOOLS IN THE ENTERPRISE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 2023-02-16T12:48:42+02:00 I. I. Humeniuk V. M. Petrov <p>The modern market is characterized by increasing saturation of the market space with information, increasing its significance and value. In these conditions, the processes of formation of consumer demand and preferences are significantly complicated, as well as performing the marketing influence on them. An effective marketing policy is designed not only to provide the consumer with the necessary knowledge about the characteristics and quality of goods and services, the terms of concluding agreements, the features of a competitive offer, but also to arouse the affection of buyers, to create an atmosphere of emotional mutual understanding, goodwill and trust between the manufacturer and consumers, society. This problem becomes especially important in the conditions of the modern socio-economic situation. The necessity of using marketing in the activity of an enterprise is substantiated in the paper. The content of marketing in the enterprise management system is investigated. Directions for implementing the concept of marketing management through the practical implementation of an integrated enterprise management system based on marketing are proposed.</p> 2023-02-16T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2023 THE EUROPEAN WAY OF RURAL GREEN TOURISM DEVELOPMENT: EXPERIENCE FOR UKRAINE 2023-02-16T14:06:59+02:00 S. O. Makhynia <p>Introduction. Modern rural green tourism on a global scale is not only a tourist product, but also an alternative, non-agricultural form of employment in rural areas, which can solve a number of socio-economic and demographic problems. In foreign countries, rural green tourism is a mature tourist destination that has passed certain stages of formation, and therefore has valuable experience that is necessary for its development in Ukraine. The article analyzes the European experience in the organization and development of rural green tourism. The current state of the tourism industry as a whole is analyzed, as well as the specifics of the development and support of rural tourism in different European countries. Purpose. The aim of the article is to determine, on the basis of European experience, prospects for Ukraine regarding the organization and development of rural green tourism. Methods. The following methods were used in the article: abstract-logical (theoretical generalization and study of the peculiarities of the formation of rural tourism in different European countries); inductive method (determining the current state of green tourism); deductive method (the process of generalizing the results in order to learn the scientific essence of the problem); comparative (study of world experience, expediency of its application in Ukraine). Results. It is established that rural green tourism today is one of the promising areas of development of the tourism industry in foreign countries, the rapid development of which in the last year due to quarantine restrictions. It combines a wide range of different types of tourism based on the use of natural, historical and other features of rural resources. It is determined that the development of rural green tourism in Ukraine cannot be effective without taking into account foreign experience. Conclusion. A study of the world experience of using such a branch of the tourism industry as rural green tourism, allowed us to conclude that on a global scale it is an effective tool for sustainable socio-economic development of rural areas and their infrastructure. Conclusions have been made regarding the main directions and prospects for the organization and development of rural green tourism in Ukraine based on the analyzed experience of the EU countries.</p> 2023-02-16T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2023 CHOOSING STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY ENTERPRISES 2023-02-16T14:14:55+02:00 V. V Nekhai О. V Kravets <p>Introduction. The article touches on the actual problem of improving the strategic management of agricultural engineering enterprises, choosing its directions. Purpose. The purpose of the article is to justify approaches to the definition and selection of strategic directions for the development of agricultural engineering enterprises in modern business conditions. Methods. The methodological basis of the article is the fundamental provisions of strategic management, modern concepts of convergence, cooperation and integration. The method of consolidated marketing as applied to strategic management of a group of enterprises is considered. Results. The specificity of the activities of agricultural engineering enterprises is that the level of food security of Ukraine depends on the quality and functionality of domestic agricultural machinery. It is necessary to ensure its compliance with international standards and modern world trends and its availability not only for large enterprises, but also for small farms. The implementation of a set of consolidated marketing methods will avoid the same type of mistakes in the selection and implementation of market strategies, consolidate financial and operational efforts for the implementation of common priorities and timely response to changes in demand. In addition, it is possible to ensure the synergy of competences, knowledge and potential, the cumulative effect on the market infrastructure, to ensure the praxeological nature of management decisions in conditions of limited rationality. Originality. The method of consolidated marketing for consolidation of efforts in application to the selection of directions of strategic management of a group of enterprises is considered. The direction of further scientific developments is the specification of the functional content of consolidated marketing organizations for the application of its principles when choosing directions for the development strategy of agricultural machinery enterprises.</p> 2023-02-16T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2023