competition; consolidated marketing; market advantage; agricultural engineering; strategy; managementAbstract
Introduction. The article touches on the actual problem of improving the strategic management of agricultural engineering enterprises, choosing its directions. Purpose. The purpose of the article is to justify approaches to the definition and selection of strategic directions for the development of agricultural engineering enterprises in modern business conditions. Methods. The methodological basis of the article is the fundamental provisions of strategic management, modern concepts of convergence, cooperation and integration. The method of consolidated marketing as applied to strategic management of a group of enterprises is considered. Results. The specificity of the activities of agricultural engineering enterprises is that the level of food security of Ukraine depends on the quality and functionality of domestic agricultural machinery. It is necessary to ensure its compliance with international standards and modern world trends and its availability not only for large enterprises, but also for small farms. The implementation of a set of consolidated marketing methods will avoid the same type of mistakes in the selection and implementation of market strategies, consolidate financial and operational efforts for the implementation of common priorities and timely response to changes in demand. In addition, it is possible to ensure the synergy of competences, knowledge and potential, the cumulative effect on the market infrastructure, to ensure the praxeological nature of management decisions in conditions of limited rationality. Originality. The method of consolidated marketing for consolidation of efforts in application to the selection of directions of strategic management of a group of enterprises is considered. The direction of further scientific developments is the specification of the functional content of consolidated marketing organizations for the application of its principles when choosing directions for the development strategy of agricultural machinery enterprises.
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