marketing, marketing management, marketing research, enterprise, marketing systemAbstract
The modern market is characterized by increasing saturation of the market space with information, increasing its significance and value. In these conditions, the processes of formation of consumer demand and preferences are significantly complicated, as well as performing the marketing influence on them. An effective marketing policy is designed not only to provide the consumer with the necessary knowledge about the characteristics and quality of goods and services, the terms of concluding agreements, the features of a competitive offer, but also to arouse the affection of buyers, to create an atmosphere of emotional mutual understanding, goodwill and trust between the manufacturer and consumers, society. This problem becomes especially important in the conditions of the modern socio-economic situation. The necessity of using marketing in the activity of an enterprise is substantiated in the paper. The content of marketing in the enterprise management system is investigated. Directions for implementing the concept of marketing management through the practical implementation of an integrated enterprise management system based on marketing are proposed.
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