soybeans, varieties, growth regulators, bacterial and mineral fertilizersAbstract
Introduction. On the territory of the Steppe and Forest-Steppe of Ukraine, in particular, the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe, one of the most profitable leguminous crops is soybean, which is in great demand on the domestic and world markets. Therefore, the optimization of soybean cultivation technology, taking into account the biological requirements of the variety adapted to the conditions of the zone, is an urgent scientific problem, the solution of which will make it possible to increase the productivity of the crop and the efficiency of its cultivation. The purpose of the work was to optimize the main elements of the technology of growing soybean varieties of the new generation, namely: seed sowing rates, the use of mineral and bacterial fertilizers, and plant growth regulators, and to develop complex technological measures of cultivation. Research methods. Field method - determination of seed yield and biometric measurements, laboratory method - determination of crop structure, moisture content and nutrients in the soil, seed quality, statistical method - to assess the reliability of the obtained data. Main research results. It was found that the most favorable conditions for their growth and development, the formation of a well-developed above-ground mass and photosynthetic activity of plants are created by seed inoculation, application of fertilizers in a dose of N60P40, a seeding rate of 600 thousand/ha and treatment of crops with the plant growth regulator Megafol. It was established that soybean varieties with a yield of 3.0-3.5 t/ha take 181-182 kg/ha of nitrogen, 52-59 kg/ha of phosphorus and 102-114 kg/ha of potassium. The scientific novelty of research results. Based on the results of the research, a modern model of the cultivation technology of new varieties of Aratta and Sofia soybeans was developed, which meets their biological requirements and makes it possible to maximize the yield potential of these varieties, improve the quality of seeds, and reduce the cost of material resources. New options for the highly efficient use of natural resources by soybeans – water, solar energy, and soil nutrients – have been identified. Conclusions. A complex of technological measures for the cultivation of Aratta and Sofia soybean varieties has been developed, which in the conditions of the Podillia zone ensures a yield of 3.0-3.5 t/ha while minimizing the use of resources. Soybean crops of the Aratta and Sofia varieties with a high productivity potential are formed by the number of plants with seedlings of 520-550 thousand/ha and branching of 1.5-2.0, which is achieved with the norms of sowing 600 thousand seeds per 1 ha and field germination of seeds of 87- 92%.
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