milk processing, rennet enzyme, soft cheesesAbstract
The article presents the results of the study of the effect of various rennet enzymes on the main indicators of mozzarella using soft cheese technologies. Thus, the processing of milk in the process of cheese production corresponds to natural physiological processes. III groups of milk samples (n=5) were formed to conduct the experiment. In the control group of samples, rennet enzyme of microbial origin was used for curdling milk. In the 1st experimental group of samples, an enzyme preparation from the rennet of dairy calves, extracted according to the method of Yu. Ya. Svyridenko, was used. In the II experimental group, an enzyme preparation was used, which was extracted from the rennet of dairy calves according to the method of S.V. Merzlova. The duration of protein coagulation in the production of Mozzarella cheese using a microbial enzyme preparation is 23 min., when using enzymes of the 1st research group – 27 min. and when using rennet enzymes of the II research group – 33 min. In view of the output of ready-made Mozzarella cheese with a commercial purpose to obtain more profit, it is advisable to use an enzyme of microbial origin. According to sensory analysis, samples using calf rennet enzyme extracted according to the method of S.V. Merzlov’s 1st experimental group of samples was characterized by pronounced cheesy, sour-milk, without extraneous tastes and smells, taste and smell characteristic of soft fresh cheese; the surface is clean without mechanical damage, elastic; the consistency of the smear is gentle, moderately dense; the color is white, uniform over the entire mass; dough with the presence of cells. Samples of the II experimental group were characterized by the worst organoleptic indicators.
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