chemicalization, fertilizers, plant protection products, pesticidesAbstract
Most of the processes in the environment are chemical. The uniqueness of chemistry is that it not only studies natural substances, but also creates new objects of study. The existence of modern society is impossible without all the wide range of substances that can only be obtained through chemical technology. The introduction of methods of chemical technology and products of the chemical industry in the national economy in order to intensify its development and increase efficiency was called chemicalization. The paper summarizes and analyzes information on the use of mineral and organic fertilizers and plant protection products in agriculture of Ukraine. The concept of chemicalization of agricultural production in connection with the increasing influence of new synthetic substances on the processes in the agricultural sector is considered. The consequences of excessive and unregulated impact of these substances on living organisms are analyzed and methods of preventing their accumulation in the environment are proposed. Introduction. The article summarizes and analyzes information on the volume of application of mineral and organic fertilizers and plant protection products in the agriculture of Ukraine in the period from 2018 to 2020. Purpose. The main goal of article is сonsider the concept of chemicalization of agricultural production in connection with the increasing influence of new synthetic substances on processes in the agricultural sector. Methods. Сomparative analysis, systematization and generalization for formulating conclusions. Results. There is no the clear tendency to use a certain type of fertilizers for feeding plants in Ukraine today. It is observed а decrease in the use of organic fertilizers, instead, the amount of mineral substances used increases significantly. Conclusion. The use of pesticides and fertilizers leads to a number of environmental consequences, which requires their exact dosage. In this regard, special measures should be taken to prevent their accumulation in soils, plants and products in the form of substances harmful to humans and animals.
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