potato, variety, soil, microfertilizers, nutrients, harvestAbstract
Goal. To determine the effect of foliar fertilizing with microfertilizers on the mass accumulation of potato tubers in the conditions of the Western Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. Methods. Analysis, synthesis, generalization, laboratory and field experiment. The results. It is established that the highest indices were obtained from the use of micronutrient Reakom – a variety of Dar and Crystaloneone special – a variety of Alladin. Thus, in the Aladin variety from the introduction of microfiber Crystaloneone special with a norm of 2,50 kg/ha, the average weight of tubers in the bushes in the budding phase was obtained – 318 g, in the phase of drying of the peduncle – 624 g, the Dar variety – the most effective rate of application among the studied variants the established norm of Reakom – 4,50 kg/ha, while the average weight of tubers in the budding phase was 309 g, the beginning of the drying of the peduncle – 683 g, respectively. The most effective rate for introducing potato plants is the following: Reakom – 4,50 kg/ha, Crystalonelone special – 2,50 kg/ha, and Rozasol – 3,00 kg/ha in the budding phase and the beginning of the disappearance of the peduncle. Conclusions. Indigenous fertilization with microfertilizers (Reakom, Crystalone special and Rozasol), influenced growth processes. At the same time, they were more intense compared with the control (without plant treatment) and maintained until the drying of the peduncle. All this contributed to the growth of the tubers weight and increased the yield and quality of products
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