energy culture, botanical characteristics, biological features, yieldAbstract
The question of agrotechnical and ecological features of technology of cultivation of highly productive energy culture is considered. The necessity of studying and growing energy crops is substantiated. The conditions for planting dates, the quality of implementation of the main technological methods of growing giant miscanthus are given. As a result of observations and calculations, the peculiarities of plant growth and development in the first and subsequent years of vegetation and formation of the aboveground mass (biomass) of giant miscanthus depending on soil and climatic conditions of cultivation were analyzed. The regularities of the dependence of the conditions of growth, development and formation of miscanthus productivity due to the influence of agrotechnical factors are established in the work. Biometric indicators of giant miscanthus plants in terms of shoot height are the maximum value of 286.8 cm for the third year of cultivation. The number of shoots in plants of the first year of cultivation was 8.2 pieces, the second 14.9 pieces, the third year - 18.8 pieces. The number of internodes was 15.8 pieces. The number of leaves on the stem is 19.3 pieces. with a length of 110 cm and a width of 2.5 cm. The diameter of the stem during the growing season was 11.9 mm, while at the end of the growing season 13.8 mm. The maximum value of the biomass yield is the variant of the study of the third year of vegetation 18.4 t / ha. The harvest of phyto-raw materials of energy crops should be used for biofuel production and energy production. Based on the results of research, it was concluded that to ensure high productivity of Miscanthus giant plants as raw materials for biofuel production, agricultural producers of the Western Forest- Steppe are recommended to use energy crops as giant Miscanthus
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