Bulls, Ukrainian black-and-white dairy, Ukrainian red-and-white dairy, breed, exterior, constitution, indices of bodyAbstract
It was held a comprehensive study of animal exterior of Ukrainian black and white and red and white dairy breeds. By appropriate value of measurements, it was set indices of body structure of experimental animals. The bulls of Ukrainian black and white and red and white dairy breeds were the objects of the research, selected on the basis of counterparts. Researches on indexes of body and analysis of body measurements of bulls of Ukrainian black and redspotted dairy breeds shows that different indicators increased differently at different ages of animals. Comparative analysis of linear measurements of the exterior of bulls of Ukrainian red-spotted dairy breed in the experimental farm and at all stages of development, dominated by bulls of Ukrainian black-spotted breed, which indicates a herd difference in favor of the former and exceed with a significant difference peers in all measurements body structure. Thus, the average body structure indexes of bulls of Ukrainian black-spotted and red-spotted dairy breeds are generally characteristic of dairy-type animals. The connecting variability between the measurements that make up the body structure indexes indicates the objective motivation for their use in assessing the exterior type of animals. The obtained highly reliable correlation between the measurements that form the indexes of body structure makes it possible for their further use in the breeding work of the herd.
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