grain sorghum, row spacing, standing density, growth and development, grain yieldAbstract
The current state of technological measures of cultivation the grain sorghum at different seeding rates and sowing methods has been studied. It is revealed that in the conditions of insufficient humidification of the Steppe zone the issue of optimization the number of grain sorghum plants per unit area is an important element in the growing technology.As a result of long-term experimental studies, conducted to determine the optimal nutrition area and stand density of grain sorghum hybrid Prime with different sowing methods, it was found that the most side shoots were formed at densities (80 thous./ha), where the total tillering rate was 4,05 and productive – 1,38 when sowing with row spacing of 45 cm and 3,08 and 1,31 – when sowing with row spacing of 70 cm, respectively. With the thickening of crops, this figure decreased to 2,76-1,10 when sowing with row spacing of 45 cm and to 2,17–1,15 when sowing with row spacing of 70 cm.It was found that the total water consumption of sorghum crops with a row spacing of 45 cm, regardless of plant density (2638–2765 m3/ha), was higher compared to the water consumption of crops with a row spacing of 70 cm (2615–2678 m3/ha). It was also found that with the increase in plant density both when sowing with row spacing of 45 cm and in crops with row spacing of 70 cm, the total water consumption of plants increased.When placing plants of grain sorghum hybrid Prime with a row spacing of 45 cm, the best crop yield parameters (5,89 t/ha) were obtained at a plant density of 140 thous./ha, and with a row spacing of 70 cm – 5,70–5,71 t/ha with row spacing of 120–140 thous./ha. Thickening of crops above the specified density (up to 160–180 thous./ha) did not lead to a significant decrease in the grain yield. The obtained data shows that over the years of research, crops of grain sorghum hybrid Prime with a row spacing of 45 cm did not have a significant advantage in productivity compared to sowing with row spacing of 70 cm.
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