biologically active points, treatment of calf dyspepsia, informational electromagnetic field parametersAbstract
The article provides an equation to study the dependence of the electric field at biologically active points on the parameters of radio-pulse radiation. The obtained results allowed analysis of the qualitative properties of the process of interaction of radio-pulse radiation with biologically active points. It was proposed that biologically active points are considered as a dielectric resonator placed in a plane-layered dielectric medium. Therefore, if the filling frequency of the radio pulse is close to the natural frequency of this resonator, a resonant increase in the electric field strength at biologically active points is possible. When conducting numerical calculations, it was assumed that the total potential on the membrane of biological cells should not exceed a value of 100 mV. In the process of theoretical analysis of the developed model, it was found that to increase the viability of newborn calves with dyspepsia, their biologically active points should be irradiated with information radio-pulse radiation in the range of parameters: pulse duration 0.5 · 10-7...1,5 · 10-7 s; the pulse repetition period of 0.5 · 10-5...1,5 · 10-5 s; the value of the power flux density is 15 μWt/cm2; pulse filling frequency 50 GHz; exposure time 15...20 s; electric field strength E0 = 8,8 V/m, Eaver = 5,7 V / mReferences
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