
  • О. В. Ткач State Agricultural and Engineering University in Podillya, Ukraine



цикорій коренеплідний, ширина міжрядь, площа живлення, насіння, схожість, урожайність


Obtaining a high yield of root chicory is determined by the optimal density of plants and their uniform distribution on the field, in this regard, the study of the method of growing root chicory is an important research area in modern agricultural science and is the study goal. Phenological observations, biometric studies were carried out according to the methods of Mosesychenko, M. F. Trifonova, A. Kh Zaviryukha. The material of the investigations was the soil of the experimental field – podzolic chernozem , medium loamy in forest-like loam. Root chicory plants were used as objects of research. The studies were conducted at the experimental field of the Khmelnitsky State Agricultural Experimental Stations of the Institute of Feed Research and Agriculture of Podillya NAAS during 2010–2014. The proposed energy-saving method for growing chicory root crops with a combined row spacing provides yield increase of chicory root crops, due to the fact that the placement of sowing after optimal predecessors, the introduction of organic and mineral fertilizers, sowing according to the established scheme by alternating the main and technological row spacing is carried out in accordance with the width of the sowing unit, which provides the optimal nutritional area of each plant close to the square with the corresponding sheniem parties established by a formula taking into account the need to make optimum density of plants per unit area (hectare) at the beginning of the collection, thus improving the productivity of root crops to 5-6 tons per hectare; mechanized crop care with a combined row spacing according to the established rational scheme of movement of the undercarriage of the unit along the main and technological row spacing allowed to reduce damage to plants by the energy tool undercarriage and increase the productivity of the unit by 15-20%; harvesting tops and root crops in a continuous way with a rational grip width of harvesting aggregates with a combined row spacing allowed to reduce losses of root crops by 1.5-2.0 times. The technological result consists in the fact that sowing, mechanized care of crops and harvesting is carried out by sending the running gear of energy resources along the technological, “M” aisles, and the machine wheels along the main “m” aisles.

Author Biography

О. В. Ткач, State Agricultural and Engineering University in Podillya

PhD (Engineering), Associtate Professor


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How to Cite

Ткач, О. В. (2019). ENERGY-SAVING METHOD FOR GROWING ROOT CHICORY WITH COMBINED ROW SPACE. Podilian Bulletin: Agriculture, Engineering, Economics, 1(31), 30–36.



Agricultural Sciences