
  • Ю. Л. Слюсаренко Department of Technology of Production of Livestock Products Zhytomyr National Agroecological University,



коні, тип ВНД, жива маса, ріст, індекси, проміри


Estimation of working productivity of horses of sport breeds at an early age is of great selective and economic importance. The purpose of our research was to study the effect of the type of higher nervous activity on the formation of the level of working productivity of horses, basic measurements and live weight. Methodology and source material. The research was carried out on the stock of horses of Ukrainian riding breeding plant PJSC "Rize-Maximko" (N = 77). The assessment of growth and development was carried out according to the following parameters: height in the neck, breast circumference, trunk length, trunk circumference and live weight. Analysis of working productivity of horses was based on the results of factory tests in the farm. In order to achieve this goal, conventional zootechnical methods were used. The origin of horses was determined on the basis of pedigree cards. The determination of the type of higher nervous activity was carried out according to the simplified methodology of the All-Russia Research Institute of Horse Breeding [4]. All data is statistically processed by the methods of variation statistics. Results and discussion. For the analysis of exteriors, 77 horses of Ukrainian horse breed were selected, which was divided into 4 groups by the type of higher nervous activity. According to the results of the study of growth and development of horses. Adult livestock of horses with a weak type of higher nervous activity in height at the withers, oblique body length and chest circumference are likely to exceed the standard breed, respectively, at 2, 5 and 4 cm (P0,01). The lowest indicators of height at the withers were observed in adult horses of 3 other groups (164 cm)

Author Biography

Ю. Л. Слюсаренко, Department of Technology of Production of Livestock Products Zhytomyr National Agroecological University

Slyusarenko Yu. L.
Assistant Professor


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How to Cite

Слюсаренко, Ю. Л. (2019). THE IMPACT OF HIGHER NERVOUS ACTIVITY TYPE ON WORK PRODUCTIVITY AND HORSE GROWTH. Podilian Bulletin: Agriculture, Engineering, Economics, 1(30), 60–65.



Agricultural Sciences