energy market, tariff regulation, stimulation, energy company, consumer, comparative analysisAbstract
Today cross-subsidization is maintained for electricity tariffs and negatively affects the competitiveness of industrial consumers as well as weakens incentives for energy saving. Industrial consumers that spend money on subsidies just add these expenditures to their cost of production, which, in turn, indirectly effects the inflation level. The above-mentioned factors actualize the need for additional "levers" that would stimulate the development of both the energy market in general and each participant of the electricity market in particular. During the research tasks fulfillment the following methods were used: analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction (for theoretical generalizations and formulation of conclusions); system approach (for the disclosure of principles and tools of tariff regulation and regulatory comparative analysis). The approaches to energy companies tariff regulation are considered in the paper. The necessity of transition to the RAB-regulation model is substantiated, which is to establish a more efficient structure and gradually bring tariffs in line with the real costs of power companies. The necessity of introducing regulatory comparative analysis as a measure that allows to determine the reference level of energy company efficiency on such key aspects as operational and investment activity, and on such factors as reliability, costs and losses, is proved. It has been determined that consumers should be able to observe the process of sectoral decisions making. The result of joint actions is a slim system of decision-making procedures, foresight and predictability of regulatory decisions. In this regard, for further research need such issues as: incentive regulation based on benchmarking, regulation "on the fact", approaches to regulation of network tariffs, regulation by the method of profits and losses distribution, etcReferences
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