soil, sloping lands, stability of movement, the teaching of the acad. P.M. Vasilenko, designing, pneumatic seed drill, seeds, laboratory conditionsAbstract
Much of the area of agricultural land is located on the slopes of the variable land. The soil fertility on the slopes is variable and, in general, decreases with increasing steepness of the slopes. The soil on the slopes also has variable physic-mechanical characteristics, which, along with sloping slopes and other characteristics, affect the stability of the machines. The teaching of the acad. P.M. Vasilenko as a fundamental methodology gives the possibility to describe in theory the movement of surfaces, taking into account the friction forces of the spatial system in the form of sowing machine, and the movement of particles of the seeds, fertilizers on the working surfaces on the way from the seed box to the bed formed by the coil in the technology of plain fields and sloping agriculture. To study in laboratory conditions the quality of corn (sunflower) sowing on sloping lands, the functioning of systems, units and mechanisms of precision seeding with a pneumatic suction actuator, a stand was developed and made, adapted for both the conditions of horizontal terrain and fields with variable reliefReferences
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