objective-oriented model, the synthesis of function-oriented technologies, the synthesis technology of the application and processing of detonation coatings, operational functions, operational effectsAbstract
The well-known general object-oriented model for the synthesis in the structure of function-oriented technological process involves the analysis of products that have constructive solutions to their functional elements. However, when synthesizing the technology for applying and processing detonation coatings, it is rational to choose the structure of the functional elements of detonation coatings according to functional and technological feasibility. The aim of the work is to develop a general object-oriented model for the synthesis in the structure of the technology of applying and processing detonation coatings. The development methodology is based on the fact that the choice of the objective implementation of the functional elements of the detonation coating is carried out on the basis of providing them with operational functions. The developed general object-oriented model for the synthesis in the structure of the technology of applying and processing detonation coatings and the established scheme of interactions between the modules of this model, and, accordingly, between the levels of analysis, allow the choice of functional elements structure in the detonation coating. The analysis of modifications of detonation coatings is carried out according to the depth of the technology at the levels of their structure: areas and layers formed by single spots of the coating; single patches of coverage; and at the levels of structures - macro, micro and nanostructures. The principles of analysis and decision-making make it possible to choose the objective implementation of the functional elements for the detonation coating based on their operational functions. In addition, these principles can be used in the synthesis of function-oriented technological processes for products with a flexible structure of functional elementsReferences
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