basic electrical circuit, electric field pulses, colostrum, immunoglobulinsAbstract
In the article considered the model of source of pulses in which used microwave radiation for the treatment of bovine animals with no medicamentous means. The use of electromagnetic fields allowing treatment of many diseases by attract additional internal resources of the body. Studies have shown that increase the level of immunoglobulin is possible to achieve due to the impact on mammary gland by electromagnetic fields with appropriate characteristics. The performed analysis shows that the parameters of pulse generators produced in Ukraine, do not meet the requirements of technological process of increase of immunoglobulin in colostrum of cows targeted for correction immune homeostasis of newborn calves. Therefore the main task is description of source of pulses for irradiation of mammary gland of bovine animals with the aim of increasing immunoglobulin in colostrum of cows for preserve newborn calves. As a result of theoretical research was made a prototype of electronic system for irradiation of a mammary gland of bovine animals and designed electrical schematic diagram of pulsed sourceReferences
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