
  • Т. Д. Гуцол Engineering Faculty State Agrarian and Engineering University in Podilya,


blood flow, longitudinal velocity, radiothermal radiation, pressure pulsations, duty cycle


The work is devoted to the study of the link between the radio thermal radiation of an animal's organism and the blood flow parameters. The aim of the research was to substantiate the connection between the parameters of the animals blood flow and the radio thermal radiation of their organs. The paper investigates the dynamics of blood flow in non-stationary mode. The research is based on the laws of the Newtonian fluid motion in cylindrical vessels. Such motion can be described by using the Navier-Stokes equation, after the transformation of which the calculation was carried for the linear velocity of blood flow - νz and volumetic blood flow rate – q for certain conditions. The results provide an opportunity to see the change of the vessel radius, thus affecting substantially the dependence of the blood flow at different pressure levels. The dependence of the radiation power flux density of the vessel radius for different pressure levels in blood flow was studied. The calculation data show that the radiated power magnitude lies in a range of Watt (W) and, in so doing, it is increasing along with the vessel radius. Therefore, the great vessel radiation can be controlled by the means of the less delicate receivers. The pressure change in the blood-vascular system can modify the radiated power magnitude in 1.5-2 times. The result of the research is obtained equation that relates the longitudinal velocity of blood flow in vessels with their geometric dimensions and pressure pulsation. The analysis showed a direct relationship between the electromagnetic field radiated by the blood stream and possible violations of the mode of operation of the cardiovascular system of animals, it also found that for the electromagnetic field impact assessment created by the closest vessels on the animals blood flow, it is important to use the equations of the blood flow dynamics in non-stationary mode with the definition of the blood flow velocity and probability of the erythrocyte collision. To define the dysfunction in the work of animals cardiovascular system, it is necessary to use the readings of the thermal radiation of animals organs, which is related to the longitudinal velocity component and volumetric blood flow rate

Author Biography

Т. Д. Гуцол, Engineering Faculty State Agrarian and Engineering University in Podilya

PhD in Engineering, Assoc.Professor

Hutsol T.D.


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How to Cite

Гуцол, Т. Д. (2018). THE LINK BETWEEN ANIMAL BLOOD FLOW PARAMETERS AND ITS ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION. Podilian Bulletin: Agriculture, Engineering, Economics, (28), 149–157. Retrieved from



Technical Sciences