reliability, workings elements of agricultural machines, statistical approach, non-stationary loadingAbstract
In terms of non-stationary loadings the capacity of machine workings elements depends on many technological parameters of production process, and that is why such experimental research requires considerable charges. Consequently, a design of technological processes of agricultural machines and analytical methods of determination of realibility criteria is the important tasks of agricultural engineering. The analytical method of reliability estimation of machine workings elements is in-process offered as a mechanical system at the brief casual non-stationary loadings. The applied criteria of estimation of durability and longevity of workings elements of machines are characterized. To analyze the maximum state of working element of machine the probable descriptions of durability and loading are used. The method of estimation of reliability is based on determination of probability of achievement of the dangerous state in the conditions of extreme casual process of loading in the calculation of interval of exploitation. The casual parameters of loading and durability of workings elements of machine are presented as functional dependences of the generalized loading and generalized durability from time. Reliability allows to promote the results of application of such approach and to increase the resource of work in agricultural production as separate responsible workings elements so all machine on the wholeReferences
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