winter wheat, soil pests, reproduction, agrobiocenoses, insecticidesAbstract
The analysis of modeling the number of harmful and useful insect species in new winter wheat protection systems was carried out. The peculiarity of monitoring and control of pests of harmful insect species on winter wheat crops in the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine is highlighted.The experiments were carried out according according to standard methods (Levin NA, 1969; Polyakov I. Ya., 1975; Grigorenko VP, 1981 armor BA, 1985; Omelyuta VP, 1986; Shapiro ID , 1986; Fedorenko VP 1997; Triebel SA, et al., 2001; Andreychuk VG, 2002 monitoring pests of agricultural crops: textbook / [Dovgan SV, Fate MM, Moroz M with Borzykh AI, Yuschenko LP] - M.: Agroosvit, 2014. - 279 pp.). The use of resource-saving models for calculating the dynamics of phytophagous by the hydrothermal coefficient in crops of grain crops for different developmental periods makes it possible to determine the quantitative changes in a separate entomocomplex of cereal crops in time and space. It is important to develop and introduce integrated measures for the control of pests of winter wheat in modern farming systems, which makes it possible to determine the expected losses in the fields of crop rotation of winter wheat from pests in the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. Modern methods of protecting crops in the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine provide the use of integrated protection, from seed preparation to seeding and the initial phases of plant development: increasing the resistance of plants to phytophagous plants with the use of insecticides with simultaneous processing of its useful trace elements. An important role in the optimization of the model for the localization of technological operations in the cultivation and protection of crops and vegetables from pests belongs to the use of relatively resistant varieties that control multi-species of specialized phytophagous species in modern crop rotationsReferences
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