сicer arietinum, cultivars, seeding rates, productivity, crop structureAbstract
The research on the productivity of Cicer arietinum cultivars is based on analysis of literature sources and recommendations. A spectrum of seeding rates (0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, and 0.9 m/ha) was applied for three cultivars: Pamyat, Triumf, and Yaryna. It was discovered that the productivity of chickpea cultivars significantly differs the western forest-steppe. The highest productivity among the studied cultivars has Yaryna (2.82–3.40 t/ha). The cultivar Pamyat has somewhat lower productivity (2.60–3.15 t/ha), while Triumf has the lowest (1.72–2.20 t/ha). The lowest productivity of Triumf in our research could be characterized by less resistance to infectious diseases under conditions of the western forest-steppe. It was revealed that among the six studied seeding rates, i.e. 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, and 0.9 m/ha, the highest productivity under conditions of the western forest-steppe was obtained in the range of seeding rates of 0.7–0.8 m/ha in all chickpea cultivars. The cultivar Yaryna demonstrated a productivity of 3.31–3.40 t/ha, which is more than then the productivity of Pamyat by 0.21–0.25 t/ha and of Triumf by 1.17–1.20 t/ha. In terms of sufficient moisture, as it was expected, the lowest productivity was obtained at minimal seeding rates. For instance, the productivity of Yaryna at a seeding rate of 0.8 M/ha was 3.40 t/ha, while at 0.4 M/t it was only 2.82 t/ha, i.e. lower by 0.58 t/ha. The same pattern was observed in case of other cultivars as well. It was discovered that the high productivity of the chickpea at seeding rates 0.7–0.8 M/ha is due to increasing the density of plants to 45–50 plants/m2because of optimal parameters of field similarity (75.1–77.0 %) and survival during the growing period (82.8–83.0 %). Such parameter of crop structure as the weight of seeds from a single plant had irrelevant impact on productivityReferences
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