grass, density, sowing time, birdsfoot trefoil, timothy grassAbstract
The formation of the standing density of perennial grasses is one of the main indicators of perennial agrophytocenosis. According to current recommendations, perennial grasses can be sown from early spring to middle August. However, significant changes in climatic conditions, especially the unstable moistening conditions in recent years, require a certain correction in the technology of growing perennial grasses, in particular, the determination of the optimum sowing period. The study is based on measuring and calculation methods for determining the number of perennial grasses shoots per unit area. The following sowing terms of grass mixture were examined: Early spring under the cover of oats for green cover, Summer sowing after oat for wheat, Autumn sowing after oat for grain. Sowing terms and weather conditions influenced the grass density. As a result of the conducted studies, it was found that, on average, during the first three years of using the leguminous grass, the experiment variant with early spring sowing of birdsfoot trefoil and timothy grass was distinguished by the highest density of shoots of the bean component - 654 pieces/m2. The amount of cereal component in this version was 348 shoots /m2. During summer and autumn sowing, the total density of the grass was decreased to 18.3-50.2%. Consequently, the formation of leguminous grass density mostly depended on the sowing time and climatic conditions in the years of researchReferences
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