vegetable peas, Hermes variety, dry matter, protein content, sugar contentAbstract
The introduction of modern technologies aimed at maximizing the use of biological potential of plants is one of the areas of increasing the yield and quality of cultivated vegetable peas. A branched root system with symbiotic microflora is developed It allows the plants to absorb nutrients, especially phosphorus compounds, to improve the work of the photosynthetic apparatus, to increase the content of chlorophyll. In addition to the growth stimulation and development of plants, growth regulators can stimulate natural protective reactions, that is, cause non-specific resistance to many diseases, as well as adverse environmental factors. When vegetable peas are used, such elements of technology are not yet sufficiently researched, so they are promising. Hence the purpose of the study was to study the optimal use of plant growth regulator in seed treatment by presowing treatment in the vegetable peas growing technology and its impact on growth, development, yield and quality of the grain. Phenological, biometric and biochemical studies were carried out on the basis of G.L. Bondarenko, K.I. Yakovenko, V.F. Moiseychenko methods. Material of research is the soil of the experimental field (black soil, leached, little humus, medium loamy on loess loam). Object of research are regularities of crop formation and quality indicators of grain of the Hermes variety of vegetable peas under different norms of growth regulators. The results of the research on presowing cultivation of seeds of vegetable peas variety Hermes (Pisum sativum L., subspecium commune Gov) by growth regulators are shown on grain yield, dry matter content, vitamin C and sugars. The norm of application of the growth regulators Mars-ELBI and Mars EL (terrastim) respectively 250-350 ml / t and 0,150-0,200 l / ton; in these variants the grain yield was 2.94-3.12 and 3.19-3.01 t / ha, respectively. The presented research results are important and relevant for science and productionReferences
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