sugar sorghum, varietie, background of nutrition, density, biofuel outputAbstract
In the context of environment pollution, the search for new environmentally friendly energy sources from renewable raw materials is becoming more urgent. Today, in Ukraine, one of the most promising bioenergetic crops is sugar sorghum, which is a drought-tolerant and immovable culture. The cultivation of high and stable yields of sugar sorghum is based on the rational use of biological characteristics of the variety, the background of nutrition and the density of plant standing. The study of the influence of these indicators on the productivity and yield of bioethanol from sugar sorghum plants in Western Forest-Steppe of Ukraine in the growing season is an important area of research and is the goal of the study. The article presents the results of the studies on the technology of sugar sorghum cultivating for biofuel production. It has been found that the best variants of the technology are the cultivation of varieties Favoryt and Troistyi on the background of the main application of mineral fertilizers by the norm N90P90K90 with a density of plants 140-150 thousand / ha: in these variants the bioethanol yield was 3.02 and 3.04 t / ha respectively, biofuels – 16.4 and 16.5 t / ha and energy – 338 and 339 GJ. In this case, the net productivity of photosynthesis in all investigated elements of the sugar growing sorghum technology increased. The leaf area of the plant in the varieties Silosnyi 42, Favoryt and Troistyi increased within 293 cm². The results of the research are relevant for science and production of biofuels on the basis of sugar sorghum plants and can be used at Right Bank of Forest-Steppe in UkraineReferences
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