пшениця спельта, сівозмін, органічна система, попередники, органічна продукція, групи сівозмін, органічне землеробствоAbstract
In the context of the popularization of the organic lifestyle, the demand growth in organic production in the world as a whole and in Ukraine, in particular, the study of the conditions for the creation of high-yielding organic agrocenoses is an important element in increasing the production of demanded products. Crop rotation is a very effective measure that provides relatively stable crop yields, contributes to the conservation and restoration of soil fertility, natural control of the spread of diseases and pests in agroecosystems. Not a big variety of actual organic crop and the practice of creating economically appropriate crop rotation in organic farming requires thorough research and study of this issue. Special attention is paid to the increase in the production of high-quality grain of wheat spelled which in the world production of organic wheat is valued as a high-protein grain crop. Applying the method of critical analysis of scientific and methodical literature, based on the experience of foreign researchers and developments of Ukrainian producers of organic raw materials. Maximum saturation of organic crop rotation is defined by specialization of the manufacturer but shouldn’t exceed 50%. Choosing the predecessors for spelti wheat we should consider culture exaction to the nitrogen supply and the subsequent appointment of the grain harvestReferences
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