adsorption, carrier, immobilization, native pectin, modified pectin, optical density, vitamin B2 solutionAbstract
Pectin (polysaccharide) is food additive, that belongs to the enterosorbents and has ability of creation complex compounds. The low etherified pectin has sorptive ability due to large number of free carboxylic groups. Moreover, its gelling property allows using pectin as matrix for mobilizations of enzymes and microorganisms cells. To increase the sorptive properties of pectin, it was modified in physical and chemical ways. However, the adsorptive properties of modified pectin remain not investigated. In the process of experimental studies native and modified types of apple pectin have been used. To increase the sorption properties of pectin in terms of Research Institute of food technologies its modifications have been examined with the help of physical-chemical approaches. Model studies were conducted using vitamin B2. The optical density of the solution of vitamin B2 was determined in terms of distilled water. It has been found that both native and modified pectin are capable of adsorbuvati organic compounds. However, a decrease in the optical density of the solution of vitamin proved that modified pectin has the best absorbing properties at 37.5% compared with its native analogueReferences
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