franchising, franchise, franchisor, franchisee, royalty, agreement of commercial concessionAbstract
This article is devoted to the study of the development of SMEs through franchising model. Background research is due to the formation of the key value of an effective mechanism of business development in Ukraine, as the basis of the economy. Entrepreneurship is the foundation of the economy of developed countries. In the article the technique of modeling SMEs based franchising, based on a qualitative analysis of Western literature in the field of franchising and modern practice of Ukrainian and foreign companies. This research is based on analysis of business processes of enterprises that develop franchising, franchising modeling them in various fields of economy, application of the rules and procedures in the simulation franchise, made it possible to standardize and systematize principles and modeling approaches to franchising company. These methods include: the formalization of models of various franchise companies; compare, which compared the model franchise of different industries and markets; survey method, which managed to get the actual data simulation franchise in the enterprise. The result of a systematic research of business opportunities through franchising and implement this model in practice, be able to achieve significant growth and increase employment population of SMEs to provide services, goods and production in a short time and with less risk of bankruptcy. The necessity of a systematic approach to the development model of franchising as a method of economic recovery. Reveals the international experience of developed countries build SMEs through franchising and its impact on the economy of countriesReferences
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