economic security, enterprise, mechanism of economic security, food industry, source base, synergistic approach, economic risksAbstract
Clarification based on a systematic analysis of the underlying methodological and methodical approaches to the subject, resulting on conclusions regarding the relevant practical arrangements. It is revealed that for enterprises, low level of "economic security" demonstrates the limited possibilities of development; low competitiveness, increased sensitivity to economic risks, ineffective asset management and liabilities, and in the case of a deteriorating trend may lead to serious problems in the enterprise, and failure to take necessary measures to bankruptcy. In a globalized society, instability, industrial markets, growing risks in the activity of enterprises, increased competition, traditional approaches to economic security does not allow objectively to estimate efficiency of functioning anddevelopment of industrial systems. It is necessary to introduce new approaches that would be based on synergetic approach to the essence of economic security. Undoubtedly, the problem of ensuring economic security of the state is characterized by the highest level of priority and complexity categories, a large number of functional elements and factors that determine it. In this regard, justification of the theoretical foundations of the concept "economic security of business" require approval of the system of economic security of the state, its structural components, as well as the determination of the place of economic security of entrepreneurial activity in this system, the implementation of hierarchical decomposition levels of safety management of the national economy.References
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