agricultural landscape, agricultural sphere, environmental and economic efficiency, balanced nature use, natural and resource potential, regional level, evaluation, systematic approachAbstract
At the present stage of development of the productive forces regional approach is one of determinatives for the disclosure of environmental and economic essence of natural and resource potential of agricultural sphere for a certain territory. In our view, this aspect must be considered in the study of the effectiveness of nature use within a particular region.It is therefore, the scientific and methodological substantiation of peculiarities to assess the use of natural and resource potential of agricultural sphere and land use taking into account the principles of sustainable environmental use at the regional level has great importance in this situation. Research was conducted by use of the dialectical method of knowledge of the economic laws and the systematic approach to the study of economic phenomena, monographic, abstraction, abstract and logical method. The author argues that the characteristics of natural and resource potential of agricultural sector should be seen in the relationship of all its components, taking into account the effectiveness of environmental measures. Assessment of natural and resource potential of agricultural landscapes should represent not only the research amount of productivity of geological components but also reflect its general suitability for economic use, as a whole. The authors proved that the result of the implementation of measures to optimize the use of natural and resource potential is to ensure the bio-ecological, social and economic efficiency of economic activities, minimizing negative impact on agricultural ecosystems at the regional level. First of all, in perspective it is necessary to improve the system of integrated assessment of land, water, biotic, recreational, ecological and cultural and other resources for an effective solving the problem of formation of natural and territorial agricultural ecosystems taking into account the methodological principles of sustainable development and balanced nature use. Formation of sustainable natural and resource potential of the agricultural sector should be based on a systematic approach considering the impact of natural and climatic peculiarities of the regions and assimilative potential of natural factors.References
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