concept, system, socio-economic development, sustainable development, balanced development, rural areasAbstract
Rural development should be based on a balance of economic, social and environmental component as a precondition to the harmonization of interests of modern society with the potential needs of future generations. This implies the need to ensure sustainable development of economic, social and natural capital for their preservation for future generations, that is in the strategic goal of society. Tosolve this purpose the following methods of scientific research were used: dialectical method of knowledge of the economic laws, systematic approach to the study of economic phenomena, and monographic, abstract and logical method of abstraction.The article substantiates the need to apply the concept of sustainable development, which should be understood in a direction of economic growth, which ensured high quality of life without the threat of pollution. Systematized different views and approaches to the definition of the concept of sustainable of rural development as a system of social and economic phenomena. Promising directions for further research is the study of modern approaches to study the socioeconomic of rural development in international economic theory and practiceReferences
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