farms, livestock, motivation, production activities, products, motivational mechanism, effective developmentAbstract
The article presents the main results of the proposals study for improvement of labor motivation. The research problems of the of motivational work organization is to promote the efficient development and production of animal products, playing an important role in ensuring the needs of the population of high-calorie food. Using methods of economic-statistical analysis and sampling the most important factors of motivation were identified and justified, affected not only the level of workers employment, but also increase volumes of animal products main kinds production. It is argued that without establishing of motivation development in the company livestock sectors it will be difficult to care about expanding the size of its production, the scope of application of labor, the formation of money incomes and will gradually lead to lose their market position. Criteria were determined and the main directions of improving the motivational work in the field of animal husbandry and effective development of agricultural enterprises. It is noted that in challenging market conditions, effective functioning and development of the major livestock industries in the long term is possible only on the basis of widespread introduction of motivational mechanism, which has a specific focus, provides an effective process appropriate systems of motivation, rational use and development of motivational potential.References
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