staff, competences, professional knowledge, competencies, development, certification training, monitoring effectivenessAbstract
In modern conditions the appropriate competence level of staff is a factor, that determines the potential and company market value, ensure its competitiveness and efficiency. In the article, we offer practical approaches to effective enterprise staff management on the basis of the staff professional competence improving. To reach the research aim, it was used the systematic approach and system analysis, analysis method and synthesis, formal logic. In the article were described the results of different approaches analysis by foreign and local researchers to understand the concepts of “competence” and “professional competence” and was defined their essence. We consider, that competence – is a conditional aggregate abilities and the worker personal characteristics, that determine his behavior at the fixed external conditions and contribute the implementation of organizational functions and tasks. Whereas the professional competence, as a measure of professionalism, is the staff functional responsibilities, appropriate range of professional knowledge, experience and personal qualities that he can realize in different social conditions. In the research result it was formed the model of the certification training functioning system. It combines the compliance personal account staff competency requirements, that apply to this position, determining training needs of workers and formulating learning goals, the forms learning choice, monitoring the learning process, evaluate the training effectiveness. This model using in practice will let to improve the efficiency of work employees and enterprise.References
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