motivation, motivational mechanism, women, agricultural enterprise, motives of labour activity, motivating factors, effective developmentAbstract
Theoretical and practical aspects of motivation, funds, factors and functions are examined. It is noted that the identification of women as a special object of study determined by their special role in the social and labour sphere, the need to combine the functions of procreation and participation in social production and the emergence of new trends in their employment and in labour activity. The basic elements of motivation that shape the labour process in the employment of rural women were formulated. There were used methods and models of motivation and their implementation in practice of agricultural enterprises management were formulated. Important is the approach to forming of women labor activity motivation, able to combine the motivation of employees to work and to inspire their interest in achieving high quality and efficiency. The essence and content of the motivation concept components and the nature and content of the motivation constituent concepts: needs, motives, impetus were investigated, and on this basis methods of motivation, the stages of the motivational process the motivational structure and behavior of women were grounded. The research examined that for women it is important not only to reach high goals in motherhood, but also in the professional growth, development of creative abilities and inclinations. The most important steps of the motivation formation mechanism algorithm and the main directions of its improvement, contributing to the reconciliation of family and professional roles of women and effective development of agricultural enterprises were outlined.References
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