definition of terms, terminological, information function, the accounting systemAbstract
At the time the impact of terminology on information elements function accounting for the needs of management economic relations in Ukraine. The main reasons for the emergence of differences of definitions of terms in the system of economic relations are defined: the introduction of terms in a foreign language as a result of the harmonization and unification of the accounting system by international standards; application definitions from dictionaries or other sources, used in planning and distribution economy; Adding to the interpretation of signs without regard to their impact on other areas of activity; lack of terminology in the system of economic relations of Ukraine. In this regard, the accounting system cannot fully realize qualitative information function. The study is based on the use of monographic method, theoretical generalization, comparison, systematization, system approach, analysis and synthesis. for solving disputes about the nature of definitions it was proposed to establish a working committee, charging with coordination of responsibilities in national definitions and translation of International Financial Reporting Standards, legal regulations at all levels and methodological support of science, higher education and other elements of the system management of economic relations in Ukraine. More over the source definitions of the accounting concepts must be based on the unification of terminology by international standards, and in the accounting system a clear interpretation of the facts of economic life and performance for users of various levels of government is formed. Terminology should be based on the existing legislative legal act.References
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