
  • К. П. Дацко Kryvyi Rig Economic Institute SHEI "National University of Kryvyi Rig",


liquidity, monitoring, accounting software, tax risks, refinancing, factoring


Theoretical and practical recommendations aimed at creating accounting and analytical support management of accounts receivable in the use of factoring services were formulated. Methodology. Research methodology is based on a systematic approach to improving accounting and analytical maintenance of current assets of enterprises towards the preparation of accurate and relevant information for a wide range of users. The study was grounded on the concept of factoring. According to which, factoring is a complex of paid financial services, including purchasing and accounts receivable management, credit insurance risk factor provided to the client in exchange for the assignment of a monetary claim on receivables. Originality. implementation process of factoring in the management of an enterprise was improved. Practical value. The practical value of the study is that use of the factoring procedure in management make it possible to reduce tax risks

Author Biography

К. П. Дацко, Kryvyi Rig Economic Institute SHEI "National University of Kryvyi Rig"

PhD. (Econ.), Senior Instructor


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How to Cite

Дацко, К. П. (2016). FACTORING AS AN EFFECTIVE MANAGEMENT TOOL IN A CRISIS OF INSOLVENCY. Podilian Bulletin: Agriculture, Engineering, Economics, 3(24), 43–49. Retrieved from http://pb.pdatu.edu.ua/article/view/138210