resort areas, resort potential, resort image, expertise, strategic management decisions, sustainable developmentAbstract
Constant development of sanatorium areas for human healthing, full recovery of health, efficiency and energy is a priority strategic objective of society. The development of mechanisms for justifying management decisions regarding strategic directions of development of resort areas of a territory deserves special attention. The research is based on the use of monographic method, theoretical generalization, comparison, systematization, system approach, analysis and synthesis. The article offers a systematization of existing approaches and methodical principles of examination spa areas. Examination involves the study of the current state and potential of the region analysis resort potential, stakeholder analysis and competitive environment, assess trends and forecasts, current and potential demand for services, the analysis of the views of local communities, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of the resort areas. As a result of research was developed proposals to improve methods of examination resort areas, will contribute to identify the main directions of development of resort areas, to attract potential tourists and investment to the region. Specifically, it is suggested to assess the compliance of spa properties and characteristics of the areas of legal, economic, social, environmental and other requirements of constant development of resort areas of the region.References
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