rural area, agricultural policy, rural development policy, the experience, the village, the area, agriculture and the rural populationAbstract
The article deals with the global experience of rural areas development. It was stressed that The development of rural areas of Ukraine requires an integrated sectoral and territorial approach. It was proved that national rural development policy must be built on scientific basis and the experience of developed countries. The conceptual model of state support rural development in the European Union and the United States was analyzed. Author determined the main causes of the poor state rural development, including historical, natural, economic, social, infrastructural, management, mental, and proposed the solution of the rural areas development problems. The necessary conditions for the development of rural areas in Ukraine were determined. On the basis of the rural policy international experience analysis a list of measures for regional management needed to enhance rural development in Ukraine were generated. It was proposed to create a network of agencies for the implementation of rural development information, consulting, communication and marketing activities in rural areasReferences
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