
  • М. Г. Петров Donetsk, Ukraine,


functionally oriented method, hierarchical structure, crankshaft, detonation coatings, finishing treatment, operational functions


Application of the functionally oriented method to develop technologies allows improving of the quality of technological process development at the expense of single-level coordination of technical feasibilities and characteristics of some components, surfaces or zones of the product depending on functional features of their operation. The general principles of the functionally oriented approach with regard to the development of the crankshaft journal restoration technology based on functionally oriented detonation coatings and finishing treatment were used. According to the technological depth of crankshaft division and functionally oriented detonation coatings on its journals are made. The technological process design was examined in three given stages. The application of the functionally oriented method to develop the crankshaft journal restoration technology allows structuring of the analysis of the crankshaft functional components and forming of the necessary technological impacts on every functional component and is efficient as to solving of operational and structural tasks related to the technological process synthesis


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How to Cite

Петров, М. Г. (2016). FUNCTIONALLY ORIENTED APPROACH TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE CRANKSHAFT JOURNAL RESTORATION TECHNOLOGY. Podilian Bulletin: Agriculture, Engineering, Economics, 2(24), 206–217. Retrieved from