
  • М. М. Корчак State Agrarian and Engineering University in Podilya,


cultivation technology, functional model, plant rests of rough-stem crops, a grinder, soil


The aim of given publication is determination of technological functional model of soil cultivation method after harvesting rough-stem crops. When cultivating ground after harvesting rough-stem crops, the operation is complicated due to the presence of rough after cutting residues-nearby root parts and stems, as a main object of cultivation isn’t only soil but plant wastes that are grinded as well. Improvement in cultivation of field littered with plant rests of rough-stem crops after their harvesting are carried out by means of combined consecutive processes of influence upon plant residues and soil that allows to ensure: qualitative field cultivation, grinding and burying plant residues on the entire front of width gripping per a single aggregate passing; effective utilization of energy that is spent for drive of devices for grinding residues and thus to achieve the possibility for increasing the width of gripping of aggregate and its productivity, to make field surface. The analysis of technology and construction machinery for soil cultivation littered with plant residues of rough-stem crops for making choice of mechanized cultivation technology. Perspective trend in improvement of existing combined aggregates is a reduction of power expenses for technological process fulfillment and for conducting number of passing, decrease in large specific quantity of metal of their constructions, improvement in their productivity, provision with necessary cultivation without a harmful effect on ecology. The sequence of fulfillment and structure of technological processes of combined way in field cultivation littered with plant rests is given. The technology elaborated provides grinding and burying plant residues of rough-stem crops at effective energy utilization, that are spent for grinding, left levelled surface of field as consists of combined technological processes of cutting and distributing of long-and-rough stems, compacting gathered mass, grinding plant residues together with the ground and levelling field surface. Processes of cutting and distributing long-and-rough plant residues are taken place in row widths where the processes of compaction, grinding and levelling in rows of sowings. Such sequence in carrying out the technological processes enables substantially reduce the power expenses and improve the cultivation quality. There was elaborated a technology of cultivation where soil is littered with rough-stem crops residues and a mincing machine (grinder) for its utilization with basing construction that ensures a qualitative power saving, ecologically effective and economy cultivation, as well as improves soil fertility with the method of grinding and with plant rests burying

Author Biography

М. М. Корчак, State Agrarian and Engineering University in Podilya

PhD(Techn.) Assistant Professor Department of repair of machines and power equipment Engineering faculty


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How to Cite

Корчак, М. М. (2016). DETERMINATION OF TECHNOLOGICAL AND FUNCTIONAL MODEL OF SOIL CULTIVATION METHOD AFTER HARVESTING ROUGH-STEM CROPS. Podilian Bulletin: Agriculture, Engineering, Economics, 2(24), 165–174. Retrieved from