
  • О. В. Думанський State Agriculture and Engineering University in Podilya,
  • Л. М. Михайлова State Agriculture and Engineering University in Podilya,
  • В. В. Мельник State Agriculture and Engineering University in Podilya,


ендометрит, лікування, електромагнітне випромінювання, гофра, хвилевід, дослідження, тварина


The purpose of research is to substantiate the type of radiation treatment for postnatal endometritis with the help of electromagnetic radiation in bovine animals. To analyze the chart orientation corrugated conical waveguide built angular field distribution in the plane of the vector H and E vector plane for multiple values and range. All calculations were performed on a fixed frequency f = 30 GHz (λ0 = 10 mm). The results of calculation cuts directional patterns of the open end of the round corrugated waveguide in the planes H and E vector hybrid spherical wave waveguide NE11 considered evidence that they narrowed. Studies have shown that the presence of corrugation leads to the fact that the pattern of the irradiator is axially symmetric. In this case, the level of - 3 dB at a distance of 180 mm from the overburden beamwidth for we have chosen diameter radiator, equal to 25 mm and is 58 mm in the plane (H-plane) and 61 mm in the plane (E-plane), i.e. it’s actually axially symmetrical. Therefore, studies show that effective intrauterine treatment of endometritis animals possibly with an emitter of electromagnetic energy, which should work at a frequency of 30 GHz to form axially symmetric radiation pattern and provide sufficient power to destroy pathogenic organisms on the mucous surface of the uterus by applying the open end of the round corrugated waveguide

Author Biographies

О. В. Думанський, State Agriculture and Engineering University in Podilya

Ph.D., Assistant Professor Department of agricultural machines and mechanized technologies Engineering Faculty

Л. М. Михайлова, State Agriculture and Engineering University in Podilya

Ph.D., Associate Professor Vice-Dean Engineering Faculty Department of agricultural machines and mechanized technologies Engineering Faculty

В. В. Мельник, State Agriculture and Engineering University in Podilya

Lecturer Department of agricultural machines and mechanized technologies Engineering Faculty


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How to Cite

Думанський, О. В., Михайлова, Л. М., & Мельник, В. В. (2016). DETERMINATION OF TYPE OF RADIATOR FOR ANIMAL TREATMENT SICK WITH ENDOMETRITISWITH THE. Podilian Bulletin: Agriculture, Engineering, Economics, 2(24), 108–113. Retrieved from