confectionery industry, functional foods, protracted cookies, nutritiology, pumpkin puree, dietary fiberAbstract
An important direction of the development of confectionery industry is the development of products of functional purpose which could provide the required amount of nutrients in the human diet. A promising way of creating products of nutritional and functional purpose is to enrich the existing products with biologically active substances using unconventional raw materials. A good target for the enrichment is protracted cookies, as they have a balanced chemical composition of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The aim is to determine the impact of new raw materials on baking processes and preservation of protracted cookies. Attention is paid to the choice of the optimal ratio of new raw materials, their impact on the quality of the finished product and semi-finished products used in its production (emulsion and dough). The objects of main research are protracted cookies and dough which is used for their preparation. The forms of water linking in the tested samples are determined by the method of thermogravimetric analysis by the change in the rate of moisture removal and the values of thermal effects. The investigation of sorption–desorption properties of protracted cookies are carried out with the sorption–vacuum apparatus of Mak–Ben. The replacement of formula quantity of water into pumpkin puree in protracted cookies has been conducted to create a new kind of cookies and, their enrichment with dietary fiber by adding meal of pumpkin seeds in the form of powder has been done to obtain functional properties. It is shown that significant effect of dietary fibers, which are brought in a cookie recipe with meal of pumpkin seeds on the structural and mechanical tests, which becomes more elastic properties by increasing the amount of bound water. It is reported that complex of gluten dough protracted interaction with the new raw material is weakened, as evidenced by rising and falling of extensibility hydration capacity by 50%. A mention should be made about established that introducing meal increases the activation energy for test workpieces of 3.5%, which means a prolonged heat treatment process of cookie with meal will be longer compared to a control sample. For protracted cookies, which during storage are able to absorb moisture, high sorption capacity has a negative impact on product quality and shelf life, so it is advisable to carry out the product packaging. Ready-long cookies have good organoleptic characteristics, high biological and nutritional value, enriched with proteins and dietary fibers, and has the status dietetically functional product, as it provides 20% of the daily needs of dietary fiberReferences
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