
  • С. М. Грушецький State Agrarian and Engineering University in Podilya,


analysis, potato, potato-digger harvesters, technology, intensive technology, the technology of the west Europe, wide-line technology, the technological process, the potato growing, the methods of gathering


Ukraine has the unique natural potential which permits to become the leader in producing agricultural products in Europe. However, the competitiveness of our products is necessary for the successful outlet to the western (European) markets. It may be achieved only in complex mechanization of processes, reducing labor costs, increasing productivity and quality of the products. The General methods of research (observation, comparison, analysis, method of expert evaluations) were used the process of research. The results of modern technology of growing and harvesting potatoes, their conditions of use were analyzed. The results of research in influence of growing technology on crop capacity and quality of combine harvesting of potato on the different soils are presented in this work. The main ways and technologies of mechanized harvesting of potatoes depending on many factors during the apart, current gathering by the digger, by the digger-loader and by the combine harvester were anylized. The result of research is the discovering the promising ways of perfection of potato-digger harvesters – diggers, diggerloaders and combine harvester. The technical and economic indicators of perfection in the technology of potato digging is presented. The technology of potato digging with the usage of combine harvesters has the minimal operational costs and labor costs, but the digging of the seed potato may be done by the potato-digger harvesters, which provide the less level of damage

Author Biography

С. М. Грушецький, State Agrarian and Engineering University in Podilya

Ph.D. (Techn.) Associtate Professor, Corresponding Member of the International Academy of Agricultural Education Department of use machines in agriculture Engineering Faculty


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How to Cite

Грушецький, С. М. (2016). THE EVALUATION OF MODERN TECHNOLOGY IN GROWING AND HARVESTING THE POTATOES. Podilian Bulletin: Agriculture, Engineering, Economics, 2(24), 55–64. Retrieved from