admittance, metrological support, the standard model, equivalent circuit, drinkingAbstract
Currently, the problem of drinking water quality is important. A promising trend in the industry is controlling the electrical parameters of drinking water (admittance). It correlates with indicators of quality non-electric nature as salinity, hardness and others. It is also necessary to ensure the accuracy and reproducibility of measurement results. Extensive coverage is given to the measuring water admittance, which value correlates with the content of dissolved salts in the water and consequently with hardness and salinity. Therefore, it is important to ensure improved metrological control of water quality by improving the standard samples and the methods of measurement based on impedance. It was established that the admittance measuring electrical parameters can define standard samples as separate electrical parameters of multielement two-terminal non-electrical nature, which can provide water. Application of this method allows you to put in the memory of the computer information on the electrical parameters of the standard samples in the form of a multi-element two-terminal electrical parameters with which they are served. These parameters are active and reactive component of the electrical conductivity (admittance), measured by the RLC-meter at different frequencies. To do this, a standard water sample must be submitted through the value of the admittance, measured by suitable means in normal. This approach unifies the underlying sample quality indices, appropriate controls and methods of measurement for quality assessment. The solution is based on the measurement of immittance parameters of the test object, it is served in the form of a multi-element two-terminal network. It listed the main problems of measurement of non-electrical nature of the objects by electric methods. The influence of the double layer capacitance and Warburg impedance on informative parameters is analyzed, and the schemes of equivalent circuit of the primary device based on electrode effects are givenReferences
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