
  • Л. С. Волинкіна College State Agrarian and Engineering University in Podilya,
  • Л. М. Бурка Company "Desna",


deflector, diffuser, coi, pipe, chimney, heat exchanger efficiency


To improve the efficiency of the boiler plants use water feedwater heaters gases discharged from the furnace. However, despite the known effectiveness of heaters that are functionally essential elements of the boiler can not be used to heat the flue gas sampling at the output of high heated from a stack, resulting in the study to date. Proposed heater composed TSAGI deflector, which mounted inside the housing interconnected cone and the cone and the top of the cone is installed a heat exchanger. The latter is a tiered placed first and second coils with staggered half-step between the pipes to put on and attached to them ribbed plates. Connected with coils mounted in the chimney, two pipes with valves placed outside the pipe. Moreover, the first cold water supply conduit is connected with the inputs of the first and second coils, and the second conduit branch to the hot water consumer - the outputs of the first and second coils. It is found that the temperature of the gases at the outlet of the mouth of the chimney will match process with software, although air resistance of heat exchanger, the required thrust deflector, and after passing through the heater, as a result of heat removal for heating process water to the environment decreases.Proposed water heater as part of the deflector allows TsAGI without changing the design and flow temperature to increase the efficiency of the boiler plant

Author Biographies

Л. С. Волинкіна, College State Agrarian and Engineering University in Podilya

Senior Lecturer

Л. М. Бурка, Company "Desna"



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How to Cite

Волинкіна, Л. С., & Бурка, Л. М. (2016). WATER HEATER FLUE GAS BOILER INSTALLATIONS. Podilian Bulletin: Agriculture, Engineering, Economics, 2(24), 19–24. Retrieved from http://pb.pdatu.edu.ua/article/view/136954