treatment of soil, battery, disk tree, garden, roots, angle of attack, damageAbstract
The process of soil cultivation in gardens is characterized by specific requirements and techniques. The authors argue that the devices should be located as close as possible to the trunk of the tree. This cultivation should be conducted at different depths not to damage the root system of trees. When approaching the trunk of the tree, deep tillage is minimized. But when there is a distance from the trunk, the depth of cultivation must rise.We consider options for using disk drives with guns of variable diameters. That will allow to carry out soil, surfacing with variable depth treatment. The construction of storage tool with a variable size diameter discs for cultivation the next trunk of the tree was proposed to solve this problem. Determining key process of disk tool of variable diameter - the diameter of the discs in width, the distance between the wheels on the battery obliquity battery condition stable course of storage instrument with a variable diameter was examined. The technique of circular tool design process with varying diameters for garden needs is givenReferences
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