economic efficiency, sunflower, hybrids, profitability, net profit, cost, Vermymah, VermyiodisAbstract
The research problem for this study is to examine effective and low-cost sunflower cultivation technologies based on application of plant growth stimulant. This issue is currently of great interest. It is paradoxically, but expanding farmland and high profitability level result in a decrease in sunflower yield. The purpose of our research is to establish the economic efficiency of Vermymah and Vermyiodis growth stimulants for pre-sowing NK Brio and NC Rocky sunflower hybrid seed treatment on the territory of Western Forest-Steppe. The author analysed the economic efficiency of Vermyiodis and Vermymah growth stimulant application for pre-sowing treatment of NK Brio and NC Rocky sunflower hybrid seeds. The results indicate that the highest net yield was 16459 UAH/ha, the profitability level was 104.9%, the lowest self-cost was 4587 UAH/t on the basis of pre-sowing NK Brio hybrid sunflower seed treatment by Vermyiodis growth stimulant in proportion of 5 l/t. The study demonstrated that application of biologies with herbicides in tank mixes doesn’t require extra costs, increases gross output and reduces self-costsReferences
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