
  • П. Р. Пуцентейло Ternopil National Economic University,
  • О. П. Завитій Ternopil National Economic University,


region, strategic management, economic development of the region, principles, peculiarities of organization of strategic management, development strategy


The author examines the content of strategic management, strategic approach to the economic development of the region, an attempt to generalize the terminology of the conceptual apparatus, based on the existing conceptual positions of the development model. The research is based on theoretical developments and scientific tools, which substantiates the use of the system approach as the most important attribute of strategic management of the economic development of the region. The possibility of applying a design-territorial approach to regional economy management in the context of a separate region of Ukraine is substantiated. The main components of the system of strategic management of economic development of the region are identified, features are identified that should be considered when studying strategic management of economic development of the region. Problems of organization of strategic management of economic development are outlined and ways of their overcoming are substantiated. The development of new methodological approaches to the definition of a strategy for the development of the region in modern conditions is one of the main tasks of regional research

Author Biographies

П. Р. Пуцентейло, Ternopil National Economic University

Dr. Sc. (Econ.), Professor Professor at the department of accounting, economical and legal maintenance of agroindustrial business

О. П. Завитій, Ternopil National Economic University

PhD (in Economics), Associate Professor Department of accounting, economical and legal maintenance of agroindustrial business


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How to Cite

Пуцентейло, П. Р., & Завитій, О. П. (2017). PECULIARITIES OF THE FORMATION OF A STRATEGY FOR MANAGING ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN THE REGION. Podilian Bulletin: Agriculture, Engineering, Economics, (27), 298–308. Retrieved from



Economic Sciences