
  • О. В. Паленичак Institute of Agriculture of Carpathian Region,


food security, region, sloping agriculture, subsidization, preferential lending, taxation of enterprises


In Ukraine, the current pattern of consumption of the main types of food is irrational and does not correspond to scientifically substantiated norms. Therefore, the assessment of organizational and economic factors that affect the efficiency of food management processes, in particular, at the regional level, becomes particularly relevant. The use of appropriate economic mechanisms for food security management will ensure a synergistic effect of agrarian sector development in conditions of sloping agriculture. Analysis and evaluation of organizational and economic factors that influence the efficiency of management of food security processes in conditions of sloping agriculture. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study is content analysis of regulatory legislation of socio-economic and economic-environmental problems of transition, the international community software solutions on sustainable development. Analysis and evaluation of organizational and economic factors that influence the efficiency of food safety management at the regional level have shown that in the conditions of sloping agriculture, raising the level of investment support for agrarian enterprises through the use of appropriate financial and economic levers is of particular importance. The conducted studies show that in the Lviv region, under the conditions of sloping agriculture, existing organizational and economic factors do not contribute to the effective management of food security at the regional level. In this regard, the formation of sustainable land use and the prevention of deterioration of the quality of the environment are of great importance; creation of favorable conditions for raising the level of investment support for agricultural commodity producers through the use of financial and economic support levers at the national and regional levels

Author Biography

О. В. Паленичак, Institute of Agriculture of Carpathian Region

PhD (in Economics) Laboratory Economy


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How to Cite

Паленичак, О. В. (2017). REGIONAL MANAGEMENT OF FOOD SECURITY PROCESSES. Podilian Bulletin: Agriculture, Engineering, Economics, (27), 282–288. Retrieved from



Economic Sciences